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BJP Stands For The Empowerment &Cause of Specially-Abled Citizens: Sahab Ram (Leelu Sarpanch)

Oct 2, 2019

BJP Stands For The Empowerment &Cause of Specially-Abled Citizens: Sahab Ram (Leelu Sarpanch)

BJP Stands For The Empowerment &Cause of Specially-Abled Citizens: Sahab Ram (Leelu Sarpanch)

Bhartiya Janata Party member Sahab Ram, popularly known as Leelu Sarpanch, has infused enthusiasm and spirit in the campaign for the Haryana legislative state elections for Bhartiya Janata Party. Interacting with the people of Haryana on Tuesday, Sahab Ram stated that the Bhartiya Janata Party, along with their leaders, cabinet ministers, and best social workers and politicians, Sahab Ram & others are committed to sustaining current development initiatives in Badshahpur as well as in the whole state of Haryana. In addition to development, social welfare and empowerment is also their focal area. Sahab Ram stated that the BJP government in Haryana is working towards the overall development of the constituency of Badhshahpur but is also keeping a keen focus on the empowerment of the poor, women and specially ables sections of society.

Center for the Deaf & Dumb

It is through the efforts of the government and their social workers that close to 75 lakhs worth of investment has been made in the Center for the Deaf & Dumb to provide them with support and empowerment. The specially ables sections of society have greatly benefited from the same. In this interaction with the citizens, Leelu Sarpanch also stated that this is the first government in all these years that has stood for the cause of such specially-abled citizens and help improve their quality of life through their initiatives.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Honoring the thought and vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi these initiatives have been put in place, which have garnered accolades not just in India but the world over. in addition to this, both the central and the state governments have been working tirelessly towards the development and empowerment of women in the country. Highlighting these achievements and ambitions of the central and the state governments, Bhartiya Janata Party member Sahab Ram urged the people of Badshahpur to pledge their support to the incumbent BJP government in Haryana in the upcoming Haryana Lok Sabha elections. By casting their vote in favor of the BJP party and its workers, the people of Badshahpur would usher an era of development through a truly democratic government.

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