Renowned Bhartiya Janata Party Social worker and politician Sahab Ram (Leelu Sarpanch) connected with the people of Badshahpur district and Sohna district in a lead-up to the Harayana state assembly elections. He discussed the various development initiatives undertaken by the BJP government in Harayana that have borne fruit for the people of Haryana. He also highlighted the various health and medical facilities set-up by the government.
With an investment of around 12 crores, a 50-bed hospital is in the process of being constructed and made functional in Farookhpur. With the introduction of this medical facility, the people of Farookhpur and neighboring districts will have access to good medical care.
One of the best Social workers and politicians Sahab Ram (Leelu Sarpanch) Leader of the BJP, also stated in his interaction with the people that work is being done in renovating & revamping hospital infrastructure and introducing improved medical facilities in all other hospitals and medical centers in Haryana.
In addition to Farookhpur, the incumbent government is committed to ushering overall development in Gurugram and all of Haryana. The focal points of development include education, safety, healthcare, electricity, water, and sewage facilities among others. In these areas, the Bhartiya Janata Party and its workers have picked up key problem areas and worked towards solving these problems.
The people of Farookhpur are extremely happy with these initiatives of development and the difference it has made to the quality of living for them. They are looking forward to their support to the BJP government and its workers resulting in the incumbent government assuming office again and continuing their good work.